Thursday, September 27, 2007

Chain events of map of Cellular respiration and photosynthesis

This is a pic. for photosynthesis.
This is the Pic for cellular respiration.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Algae Cell/Pic/Description

Reservoir Eyespot-
Contractile Vacuole- A contractile vacuole is a type of vacuole involved in osmoregulation. It pumps excess water out of a cell and is found prominently in freshwater protists.
Flagellum-A flagellum is a long, slender projection from the cell body, composed of microtubules and surrounded by the plasma membrane.

Paramylon Body-

Pellicle -Pellice is a thin layer supporting the cell membrane in various protozoa

Chloroplast-Chloroplasts are organelles found in plant cells and eukaryotic algae that conduct photosynthesis.

Nucleus -Nucleus is the control center of a cell, which contains the cell's chromosomal DNA

How does the algae cell survive?
How long is their life span?
How do they obtain their food?

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

World Wide Currents

1. Explain how currents contribute to the distribution of marine organisms around the planet.

Well, currents not only contribute to the distribtion of marine organisms around the planet by olny moving, but also reulates the temp. of land and water by following? a route.

2. The primary factor influencing ocean currents is temperature regulation. What might happen to the ocean currents (and has happened in the past) as global warming increases?

In the past, in Europe? there had been a ice age, because the currents of the warm water has stopped moving. So, if the global warming increases again another ice age might occur.

3. Explain how density changes cause currents.

As the water temp. changes the water will become more densed, so as the warm? hot? water decreases the cold water will rise. Therefore, this activity? will cause the waters to chrun? a bit causing movements in the water.

Use google image to find a world map. Copy and paste into paint and use the drawing tools to create the currents and label them. Then answer the questions below:

Monday, September 10, 2007

Shape Of Life


-What organism is thought to be the first multi cellular animal? Sponge.

-How is the same (3ex) and diff. (3ex) from animals today?

Same Different

- Reproduces sexually - no nervous system

-Cells held together by collegen -ressurect itself

-Feeds -spicules

-How do scientists know its an animal?

-It eats


-It has a heart

-What evidence do scientists have to prove that other animals(multicellular) evolved from this organism?

-Spicule Fossils -> Been around Long time -> Genetic Sequences ( The Tree)

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Endangerd Animals in the CNMI -

-Coconut Crab -
Coconut crabs live alone in underground burrows and rock crevices, depending on the local terrain. Usually the coconut crabs burrow there own "caves"made by sand. Coconut grabs hide in their burrows in the day to protect themselves by other predators and also from the heat.
-Reason they are endangered-
Basically they are endangered because people are over hunting the crabs to gain profits from it.