Sunday, November 11, 2007

Adaptations and Biology of Birds, Reptiles, and Mammals.

For this assignment, you will be comparing the biology and adaptations of marine birds, reptiles and mammals.
1. Select one marine animal from each class (aves, reptilia and mammalia).

2. Find a picture of each on line and use Paint to label the parts of the animal that allow it to live in the water. You might need to draw or use pictures to show internal structures. Describe at least 4 adaptations for each animal and contrast these adaptations to animals of the same class on land. For example: Compare a hawk to a jaeger or petrel; or a seal to a lion; or a whale to an elephant.

3. Describe the anatomy and physiology of each animal and how the animal's systems complexity, design, structure and function allow the animal to live where it does. How is the physiology different between the animal and another from the same class on land.

4. Explain 4 major differences between the invertebrates we've learned about and the vertebrates you are investigating in this assignment. How do those differences increase or decrease the animals adaptability, range and niche in the marine ecosystem. If one class were to go extinct, which one would have the least impact or greatest and why?

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